We have made some exciting enhancements to the cancellation policy module to help you better manage and adjust policy to best suit your needs.
What is new?
• Ability to modify policy wording.
o This gives you the flexibility to add to the preset policy description based on your terms.
• Ability to set multiple installment days.
o Some rates may have stricter policies or installment dates (cut off).
o Example
o Cancel 10 days before arrival charge is 30% of booking, cancel 5 days before arrival charge is 40%, cancel 1 day before arrival you will incur the full price of booking.
• Create policy based on installment/cut off day(s) and time
o Some rates may have installment days and a cut off time on the day of arrival. This feature enables you to set both.
o Example
o Cancel 5 days before arrival charge is 50%, cancel 1 day before arrival charge is 90%, cancel by 10 am on the day of arrival you will incur the full price of booking.
Where do I setup cancellation policy?

• Login to /MAX extranet
• Setup > Structured cancellation policy
• This will divert you to the Structured cancellation policy module
• Within this module you can
o Add/Create a new policy
o View existing policy and policy setup
o Edit existing policy – name only
o Delete existing policy
Creating Structured Cancellation policy:
There are 3 policy types/terms. Based on policy term selection, the prompts/required fields will change accordingly.
• Non Refundable
• Partially Refundable
• Fully Refundable
• Enter policy name – this is what you will use to identify policy when applying to packages.
• Select policy term – choose one of 3 available.
• Select currency
• Complete form/follow prompts (this is based on policy term selected)
o Enter Penalty amount before deadline, percentage or fixed amount of first night or entire stay
o Enter Deadline days/time
o Enter Penalty amount if booking cancelled after deadline, percentage or fixed amount of first night or entire stay.
o Select the + icon to set additional installment days.
o Policy description is auto populated based on information enter in fields above. Click the ‘edit’ icon to modify the policy description.
Once created, the policy will be available in package setup for you to select
Additional information:
1. How to add cancellation policy to a package?
• Setup > Packages > select ‘Edit’ for any package
• In package setup, there is field for ‘Cancellation Policy’
1. Click on drop down box
2. You will see all the policies that you have created for your property
3. Select applicable policy for package. This is the default policy for package
4. Save changes
Properties can assign cancellation policy based on package validity (Package setup > validity).
• Enter validity dates > select applicable cancellation policy.
• Save changes.
Note: leave ‘To’ date blank if the package has no end date.
2. Booking engine display
Click ‘Read more’ to view package inclusion and cancellation policy.
MAX Booking engine
• Confirmation page
Follow the Eye
• Confirmation page
• Email notification (sent to both property and booker)