What is the Internal Comments Feature on the CRS?

STAAH MAX V2 - What is the Internal Comments Feature on the CRS?

The ability to add internal comments to bookings in MAX extranet. This feature allows you to add additional information about guests/bookings. All comments are visible in MAX extranet only, meaning this is not sent to guests.

What is new?

  • You can add internal comment, when creating a booking via CRS.
  • Option to add internal comment for existing bookings.
  • Comments are visible in MAX extranet and sent to PMS.

Where is internal comments feature?

  1. Login to MAX extranet.

To add a comment for Existing bookings:
  • Select ‘Stay View’ module
  • Select any booking and click ‘Manage’.
  • Simply ‘Write a comment’ in the comment section > post.
  • Comments are displayed

To create a comment for New bookings:

  • Select ‘Manage rooms’ module
  • Select dates/room to book and proceed with booking process.
  • Write a comment in the comment section > post > create booking.

Additional information

  • Each comment will indicate time created, and the user who created comment
  • Comments are ordered based on date/time created, with the most recent being first.
  • Feature is available for all bookings (direct and OTA).
  • All comments are sent to PMS, booking status is treated as modified.