STAAH MAX V2 - What is Revenue Management System(RMS)?

STAAH MAX V2 - What is Revenue Management System(RMS)?

This FREE to use feature will enable you to maximise the revenue for each booking. Smart Dynamic Rate Management System based on property level inventory.

Why you should be using it?

  1. To drive up profitability for every room.
    1. The feature allows you to optimise your dynamic rates based on total inventory as opposed to the current per room availability structure. So, every room type works harder to get more revenue!
    2. It is a FREE additional feature for properties subscribed to MAX VR and MAX PRO.

    How do I enable RMS?

    To enable the feature, please contact your designated Partner Services team member.


    IMPORTANT: It is essential that the Total Room Count for each room type is setup correctly in “Room Type” Setup.

    RMS is enabled, what next?

    Login > Rules > Revenue Control – proceed with setup

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    1. Select Master Room: All Rates will derive from Rate that is set/applied for the Master Room selected.


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    • All Room Type(s) will be displayed as an option, to be selected as the Master Room.
    • You can only have one Master Room.
        Note: Reset Master Room: This is used if you have selected the incorrect Master Room (i.e selected Deluxe as the Master, meant to be Superior).


    • Select Master Room>Next.

    2. Setting Seasons: You need to assign a season for specific dates/months to identify applicable seasonal prices.

    Example: Shoulder, BAR High, BAR Low. Default season will apply automatically for any dates not assigned a specific season.

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    • Applying Seasons on a Monthly Basis using Calendar. Click on “From” date and then click “To Date”.
    • Applying Seasons using Bulk Update. Use the Calendar widget to select your “From” and “To” Date(s). To add multiple date range simultaneously, click on the “+” sign.
    • There are 5 seasons to choose.

    • Apply Seasons> Next.

    3. Dynamic Pricing: This is where you will define applicable Rate for each season (seasons, selected from previous tab), based on Total Inventory available. The rates loaded are for your Master Room.

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    1. Enter your Inventory Count in the “From” and “To” fields. This allows you to define the rate for your Master Room based on Inventory Count.
    2. Enter applicable rates based on Availability and Seasons>Save.
    3. You need to assign Rates for each Season, covering the Total Inventory Count

    (Example: Total Inventory Count is 30, must load rates per season to 0 availability)

    1. Once done>Save>Next.

    4. Formula: Here is where you setup applicable formulas for all Child Room Type(s). The formula is calculated off the Master Rooms Rates (as setup in Dynamic pricing).

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    • Child Rates are derived from Master Rate using Formula applied.
    • You are required to add a formula for All Child Room types.

    Calculation is Master room rate * fixed value (+/-) * percentage (x) * fixed value (+/-)

    • Properties have the ability to apply formula for weekdays and weekends. There is an option to add variable Weekend Formula.
    • Weekend days is based on days marked as Weekend in “Weekend Marker” setup (Setup>Profile>Weekend Marker).

    5. Revenue Control: A full overview of applicable rates for each Room Type. Rates displayed are calculated using setup applied in Seasons, Dynamic Pricing and Formula.

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    All rooms and rates will be displayed.
    Rates displayed for all Child Rooms, are based on seasons/formula applied to derive from Master Room.
    Property can also identify Season applied for a specific date.

    Example: In the below screenshot, there is a Orange and Maroon line above the rate. This indicates that low and shoulder season is applied for that date.

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    Properties also have the ability to manually adjust rate through the Revenue Control Tab. By selecting the applicable date/room you want to make changes too.
    Changes to Master room rate, will change the rate for Child rooms (for child rooms where mode is dynamic)
    When a rate is Manually updated, this will override Dynamic Pricing/Formula settings.
    Manual rate will no longer have the “Season” indicator (refer to above screenshot.

    Additional notes:

    o Properties can use RMS in conjunction with managing rates via PMS/IDEAs

    o PMS/IDEAs can update Master room or Child rooms.

    o Child rooms rate is not updated when mode is manual

    o To apply dynamic pricing and formula rate, simply change mode to Dynamic.

    o When Master room is deleted (via Room Type setup), you are prompted to resubmit RMS setup when accessing this module.

    o Mode feature, to change the mode to various dates

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    o When a new room is created, user is auto directed to dynamic pricing module to set formula calculations.