STAAH MAX V2 - What are the Payment Options Via CRS?

STAAH MAX V2 - What are the Payment Options Via CRS?

Payment options displayed are based on package setup for package being booked

Payment options – Non Prepay packages (Packages that require credit card to secure booking – no payment required)

Card collection via email:  An email is sent to booker to collect Credit Card information. Once received, booking is confirmed, and confirmation email is generated to property/guest.

No Card collection: No Card collection, booking is instantly confirmed, and confirmation email is generated to property/guest.

No Card collection – no email: No Card collection, and no confirmation email.

Payment options – Card not required (Packages that do not require a Credit Card to secure booking. Bookings are instantly confirmed.)

Email: Generate confirmation email to property/guest.

No email: No confirmation email

Payment options – Prepay packages (Packages that require payment to secure booking.)

Payment via email: An email is sent to booker to collect payment via Payment gateway. Once payment received, booking is confirmed, and confirmation email is generated to property/guest.

No Payment via email: No Payment, booking is instantly confirmed, and confirmation email is generated to property/guest.

No Payment – No email: No Payment, and no confirmation email