How to manage your seasons via revenue control?

STAAH Max V2 - How to manage Revenue Management System (Revenue Control) - Season management

This feature now providers properties with the option to create additional seasons (upto 16 additional seasons).

What is new?

1. Option to create additional seasons.

2. Option to delete seasons

3. Edit season name

 Below  the steps:

1.       Create additional seasons By default, Revenue control offers 6 seasons. This feature now provides properties with the option to create additional seasons (upto 16 additional seasons).

1. Login to MAX Extranet
2. Revenue control > Select Seasons tab > Season List

3. Click ‘Add Season’ to view Season pop-up

a.       Enter season name

b.       Select colour. This is to identify the season applied in Base Rates module

c.       Enter rates based on inventory block

d.       Click ‘Add’ to save season

e.       Proceed to assign season to required dates from Seasons tab



2. Edit and Delete Seasons: Flexibility to Edit and Delete additional seasons.

1. Revenue control > seasons tab

2. Click ‘Seasons List’ to view Season list pop-up


3. Edit season: 

a. Click edit icon to make changes to new seasons. Default seasons, cannot edit

b. User is diverted to edit section, click Save to apply changes.


4. Delete season:

a. Click delete icon to delete season

b. Enter delete password to remove season.

c. Cannot delete seasons that are applied to future dates


3. Additional information:
Maximum of 16 seasons allowed (excludes default seasons)
Cannot delete seasons that are applied to future dates
Season colour selection is predefined. 
Colours are used to identify the season applied in the Base Rates module