- Map to an existing Booking.Com listing (not mapped in STAAH)
- Map to an existing room type or rate plan setup on Booking.Com
- Create a new room type on Booking.Com
- Create a brand-new listing on Booking.Com
- Create a new rate plan and link to an existing Booking.Com room type
- Create derived rate plan and link to existing rate plan on Booking.Com
Click –
Map A room to proceed with the mapping.
You are
diverted to mapping pop-up
- Occupancy pricing,
- simply apply formula/surcharge for all guests that can be accommodated in the selected room.
- Once mapping is completed for all rooms, enable OBP flag in channel password
- Create new rate plan – channel manager rate code required, please select from drop down
- Occupancy pricing,
- simply apply formula/surcharge for all guests that can be accommodated in the selected room.
- Once mapping is completed for all rooms, enable OBP flag in channel password
Create a brand new Booking.Com legal entity and listing:
Complete setup. On click user diverted to wizard
- Next