How is the Promo Code Counter Feature Used?

STAAH MAX - How is the Promo Code Counter Feature Used?

We have added an additional functionality to the Promo Code feature – Promo Code Counter.

This feature allows a property to set a Counter for Promo Codes. The counter will limit the number of bookings that can be made using this Promo Code.

Example: Property creates a Promo Code “Manager”, that will be available to the first 10 bookers. Counter set at 10, which will only allow 10 bookings to be made using that Promo Code.

Where to set Promo Code Counter?

This is done within the Promo Code module

How to set Promo Code Counter?

Login to your STAAH MAX account > Booking Engine > Promo > Add

  1. Enter Promo Code information and select the “Apply Counter” box.
  2. Once the “Apply Counter” option has selected, you can then set the required Counter (number of bookings allowed for this Promo Code).

You can also view the number of bookings received for this promo code. This will show you the current Counter setup and number of bookings received (Counter Used).

Promo > Select the “View Counter” button

Group Level – Promo Code Counter

Promo Code Counter can also be applied at Group Level and can be based on Per Property or Per Use.

Where do I setup “Promo Code Counter”?

Login to your STAAH MAX Group Account > Setup> Promo>Add Promo Code

Add Promo Code details, Select Apply Counter box, Select Counter Type and apply Counter limit.

What is the difference between Counter per Property and Counter per Use?

Counter per Property: Promo Code Counter applied will apply to each property – meaning counter will be the same for all properties within the group.

Example: Counter per Property set at 10. Maximum number of bookings for this promo code will be 10 per property (each property can receive 10 bookings using this Promo Code).

Counter per Use: Promo Code Counter will apply to all properties within the Group – meaning counter will apply to all properties within the group.

Example: Counter per Use set at 10. Maximum number of bookings for this promo code will apply to all properties within the group (maximum of 10 bookings across all properties within the group).

Additional Information:
  1. Counter can be applied to Existing and New Promo Codes.
  2. View Counter functionality available to both Property Level and Group Level Counter