At present, users have the ability to download bookings into an excel file. This file is downloaded to the users device. With the new Export option, this feature allows a property to download a list of bookings and access within the extranet. Allowing the user(s) to obtain at anytime
a. Login to MAX extranet through Group login
b. Select Bookings module
c. Enter search criteria (maximum 2 month date range)
d. Select ‘Export’
e. Select Bookings report tab
Bookings Report tab: All bookings reports generated will be available in this tab.
a. Status: User will see loader white report is being generated. Once completed, you will see option to download
b. View: view search criteria of the report
c. Re-generate: Re-generate report, this will pull in the latest booking information based on search criteria.
d. To download
report the user will require access key. Access key prompt is displayed when
clicking the ‘download’ option