Promo Code
STAAH MAX V2 - Booking Engine - What is Multi-Code feature?
What is Multi-Code feature? This feature allows you to add a list of sub unique codes that are linked to the promo code. As an example, Multi-code feature can be used for credit card promotions offered to specific card holders. Generally identified ...
STAAH MAX V2 - Booking Engine - What are Group level promo codes?
This feature allows a property to set promo code at group level for multiple/all properties. Promo codes set at group level will be applicable on the group booking engine How to setup up group promo code? Login to MAX extranet using Group login > ...
STAAH MAX V2 - Booking Engine - Setting up Packages at Group level
This feature allows a property to create packages/deals for multiple properties to sell on the group booking engine. How to setup package at group level? Login to MAX extranet using group login > Click Settings > Packages > Add > Add Package Across ...