STAAH Max - What is Booking.Com – Market Insights?

STAAH Max V2 - What is Booking.Com – Market Insights?

Booking.Com has introduced a feature that providers more insights to what bookers are searching for in your region via Booking.Com. STAAH is happy to announce we support this feature, and have introduced in our extranet.

Quick overview of guests search information
View booking window
View traveller type (family, international etc)
View devices used by bookers.
View guest country of origin
View popular cancellation policy
Put in place restriction or deals that will target these bookers


Login to MAX extranet
Select Reports (from the side menu bar)
Opportunities > Select ‘Market Insights’• Once select you will see data provided by Booking.Com

Once select you will see data provided by Booking.Com

Understanding market insights:
Book window: Days in advance travellers searching before their stay
Traveller type: Understand the type of travellers searching for accommodation in your region (i.e single or group traveller)
Domestic and International Travellers: Identify domestic and international travellers searching for accommodation in your region
Device: See the device used by travellers when searching for accommodation in your region.
Top 5 Countries: Guests from these countries are searching for accommodation in your region.
Cancellation policy: Understand the cancellation policy travellers are choosing.