What are Rate codes? Whist is it used for?

STAAH MAX V2 - What are Rate codes? What is it used for?

Within the Channel Manager Setup, all variables are assigned a numerical code. Hence, all Rate Types set up in the system have a unique identifying code as well.

These Rate Codes are important if you have a PMS needing to make a connection with the Channel Manager. When the PMS connection is to be made our support teams will provide you/PMS with the relevant Room Codes.


  1. Login to MAX extranet
  2. Setup > Rate codes
 In rate code module - you will see 2 options

1. Create New rate code
2. Create Linked rate code

Rate code: Add rate code (i.e NRD)
Rate code name: Add rate code name (i.e Non-Refundable Deal)
Description: Add a brief description of the rate code (i.e inclusions), as some channels support receiving this description.

Linked rate code: Ability to create rate code and link to an existing rate code (Parent rate code). 

When the linked rate code is selected, you will have the option to select 'Parent rate code'' All other details complete as per normal.

How does this work?

·         In mapping > rate code, select ‘Linked’ rate code

·         Booking is stored in Channel manager with both rate codes. Parent with linked rate code in brackets.

·         Booking delivered to PMS using Parent rate code