What is the Room Level Cleaning Fees?

STAAH MAX V2 - Vacation Rental - What is the Room Level Cleaning Fees?

We have added the ability for property to apply Cleaning fees at Room Type level for Vacation Rental listings. This feature allows a property to add a Cleaning Fee Surcharge, which will be additional to the Daily Package Rate.

How do I apply cleaning fees?

Login to STAAH MAX > Setup>Room Types

Select Edit for the required Room Type>Cleaning Fees. Once you have added cleaning fee>Save.

Booking Engine Display:

Cleaning fee will be visible, once the booker has selected the applicable Room Type

IMPORTANT: Cleaning fees, will also be displayed in Bookings Module, as well as the Booking notification sent to property and guest.
To have this feature enabled for your property – please contact your local STAAH Partner Services team.