STAAH Max V2 - Discount on Discount (Stackable Discount) - Device and Region

STAAH Max V2 - Discount on Discount (Stackable Discount) - Device and Region

Discount on Discount (Stackable Discount) - Device and Region

What is New?
Option to stack discount on top of another SmartPricing discount. 
Applies to all Smart Pricing discount types except for Pay Now, Device and Region.
The stackable discount types are only Device and Region.
If both Device and Region discount is activated as DOD, the higher discount applied. Not both.

Use case example: For bookers from a specific country or booking using mobile, the property wants to extend additional discount on top of existing smart pricing discount available.

How to set up DOD?

In SmartPricing setup for the supported discount types, there will be a flag to enable 'Discount on Discount’.
Check the box to enable.
Select either Device or Region.
Set the discount value.