STAAH Max V2 - Discount on Discount (Stackable Discount) - Device and Region
Discount on Discount (Stackable Discount) - Device and Region
What is New?
• Option to stack discount on top of another SmartPricing discount.
• Applies to all Smart Pricing discount types except for Pay Now, Device and Region.
• The stackable discount types are only Device and Region.
• If both Device and Region discount is activated as DOD, the higher discount applied. Not both.
Use case example: For bookers from a specific country or booking using mobile, the property wants to extend additional discount on top of existing smart pricing discount available.
How to set up DOD?
• In SmartPricing setup for the supported discount types, there will be a flag to enable 'Discount on Discount’.
• Check the box to enable.
• Select either Device or Region.
• Set the discount value.
• Save