How to add new room type in STAAH Max?

STAAH MAX V2- How to add new room type in STAAH Max?

This option allow you to add a new room type on STAAH Max.

Login to STAAH.  Go to SETTINGS > Room Types > ‘Add’ > ‘New Room Type’.

Click on ‘Add’ > ‘New Room Type’.

Set Up

Room Name: Add Room Name.

BE Display Name: This is the same as the Room Name.  

Room Type: Room that is being created.

Rate Code: Select the Applicable Rate Code, e.g. BAR.

Bed Type: Beds available in this room.

Total Rooms: Amount of Rooms Available for this Type.

Default Inventory: To learn more about Default Inventory, Click here to View "Default Availability"

Maximum Nights: This refers to the maximum number of nights that can be booked for this room type. If not applicable, leave as is 99.

Minimum Nights: This refers to the minimum number of nights that can be booked for this room type.  Set at ‘1’ or more.

Maximum Guests: Maximum Guests that can be accommodated in this room.

Maximum Adults: Maximum Adults that can be accommodated in this room.

Maximum Children: Maximum Children that can be accommodated in this room.

Full Room Rate: The Full Room Rate refers to full occupancy at any time of the year.  The highest rate is loaded because it is the default rate, and will be used when you haven’t loaded rates into the system.  We will automatically assign this rate and push this out to your website and OTAs managed by STAAH.

Minimum Rate: This is the minimum rate that you will allow this room to be sold at at any given time of the year.

Guests Included in Rate: Number of guests that will apply to the rate you are loading in STAAH.

Extra Adult Rate/ Child Rate: Add extra Guest charges. (This is the additional fee for extra Guests).

Description: This is an overview of the room.  Sell your room type and describe the room to make it appealing to bookers.

Room Size: Add Room Size in meters or feet.

Once you have finished, scroll down and click on Save & Next.

Room Features

Room Features & Facilities: Choose Room Facilities applicable to this Room Type by ticking features. You can choose to display some features as an icon.

Click Save & Next.

Room Images
Select Images that are applicable to this Room Type.  By default, all rooms will be displayed. Once done, click SAVE.