STAAH MAX - How to add Guest Count Option (Adult / Child) on the Booking Engine?
We have added the ability for a booker to select the number of Adults/Children on the Booking Engine. Making it easier for a booker to see what Rooms are available that will accommodate Adults/Children selected.
Where do I find this feature/how do I enable?
To enable this feature, please contact your designated Partner Services team.
Once this feature is enabled, no further action required. The Adult/Child option will automatically apply to the Booking Engine. Booker can then proceed to enter Guest Count/search criteria.
Drop down box displays the maximum number of Adults/Children that can be accommodated in one room.

Example: One room can accommodate 5 adults; all other rooms can accommodate up to 4 adults. The drop-down box will give the booker the option to select up to 5 adults.
Rate displayed will be for number of guests selected.

Example: $100 Rate is applicable 2 pax, additional guests are calculated at $50 per person. Booker selected 4 guests, the rate displayed will be $200.