Reviewminder - Detail Overview

Reviewminder - Detail Overview

Monitor online reviews effortlessly, engage guests with personalized communication, request feedback and more.

Manage all your reviews from one place - improve brand loyalty, retention and growth wth reviewminder on STAAH.

STAAH ReviewMinder is a comprehensive online reputation management tool that offers various features to help accommodation providers manage their online reputation and improve guest satisfaction.

The property can also View Reviews from Channels page and respond without going into the RM Module


The Dashboard is the default page, where one can see the number of reviews received based on score/ sentiment

Overall Stats:

Combined average scores for various categories retrieved from various channels. Click on the icon on the top right to view daily ratings scored from each channel for each category.


Competitor Analysis:

  1. This feature is enabled on request or if signed up for initially.

  1. Maximum 4 competitor properties can be configured in RM.
  1. Competitor Information is derived from TripAdvisor.
  1. Click on the TripAdvisor icon to view the TripAdvisor rank chart 
  1. Property can compare the rating with a competitor, select by clicking on the radio button

Recent Reviews:

The latest reviews retrieved into STAAH will be listed on top.

Property can reply to a guest using the ‘Reply to Guest’ button. They need to manually add the guest email address
‘Reply to channel’ button diverts to the channel login page for reviews

(The Go-mmt extranet login credentials needs to be updated to reply to Go-mmt reviews from RM)

Where available/ possible, the date when the review was given will be indicated

If it is not possible to pull in reviewed date, indicated as ‘Review Fetched On’

Reviews – Keyword Search function:

To help property find content, RM displays keywords of the reviews

Search box option or standard keyword list is available under Keyword search.

Standard keywords are pulled from and RM, we will continue to pull any new keyword

It is possible that review(s) with standard keyword is not in STAAH (As it could be an old review(s)). In this situation, if STAAH cannot find results, it will auto search and pull reviews with keywords from

Partner Rating: 

Displays analytics for each partner with the breakdown of various categories

Click on the arrow to scroll to view analytics for various partners

Partner Reviews:

Click on the icon on the left of the partner channel name to view a summary of review rating received from a specific channel

The green button indicates the number of reviews retrieved for each partner (channel)

Click on the green button to view reviews received from partner

Click on the top-right icon to view the pie chart for a count of the number of reviews.


Displays a quick snapshot of the number of positive, neutral, or negative reviews received 


This tab shows the list of all the reviews received

A snap short of reviews received based on scores received

To view reviews, tick box

Search function is also available – you can look up a review by guest name, review title, or source

Reviews with ratings of 3 and above will automatically be auto-published on the Review widget

The property can change this rating under Settings > Hotel Configuration > Rating

Click on the ‘Live’ button to un-publish a review. It will change status to ‘Dead’

Option to reply to guest but you need to enter a guest email address manually

Email Sent Status:

This tab keeps a record of requests sent to guests asking for reviews

When a review request has been responded to – the review status is shown as ‘Received’

When a review request is not responded to - the review status is shown as  Un-responded – ‘Pending’ status

Click on ‘Request Review’ to submit a new ‘Review Request’ to a guest

Overall Reports:

This tab allow you to extract reports based you desired search criteria.

Host Reviews:

This option is for Airbnb Hosts. The hosts can respond to reviews directly through the ReviewMinder platform.

Request Review:

Property sends a request to the guest using the ‘Request Review’ function. Request review is sent to guest via email.

Once sent, the request is registered in the ‘Email Status Sent’ module

Example of email:

Dear Angie Wong

Thank you for choosing Angie TEST for your recent stay.  We hope you had an enjoyable stay.   
It is very important for us that our guest’s experiences are shared. We invite you to please share your experience.
Rate us by clicking one of these 5 links:   Excellent  | Good  | Fair | Poor | Very Poor

Thank you for your time. It was a pleasure to have you as our guest and we hope to see you again soon. 

Kind Regards
Hotel Manager

When guest proceeds to provide feedback, they choose a rating and click on the link provided on email (Highlighted in yellow)
Click on the link to view an example of Review Form:

Welcome Email:

Other than requesting a review, a property may also send their guest a ‘Welcome Email’ prior to check-in.
There are 4 different Welcome email templates:

  1. New Guest
  2. Repeat Guest
  3. Corporate Guest
  4. Loyalty Guest

Templates can be customized via Settings > Email Configuration

The default language is English

For other languages, the property needs to set up a template via email configuration.

Setting Tab:

Hotel Configuration:

  1. Logo: Property to provide at time of set up. The logo appears on the review form
  2. Request Review:Enable Email Sending needs to be ticked to allow notifications to be sent via RM. This is enabled by default. Property can choose the number of auto-reminders to be sent to the guest. Simply tick box. **If reminder(s) are not required/ enabled, the email template is not visible in the email configuration 
  3. Rating: Default is set at 3. All reviews with ratings 3 and above will auto-publish. Property can change this
  4. Thank you message: Default message set but the property (can change). The message is displayed after the guest has completed the review. Example:

  1. Review Alert: Property can receive an alert when review received. Enable by ticking the box 
  2. Negative Review Alert: Property can receive an negative review alert when review received. Enable by ticking the box 
  3. Widget Rating: Default is set at 3. All reviews with ratings 3 and above will auto-publish on the Widget. The property can change this
  4. Negative Reviews Recipient Email: The property can add recipients to receive the negative review alerts
Email Configuration:

Default email templates are set up in English for the various features and responses required. Property can change messages to suit their requirements, and this should be recommended. 

The default time lag is set for reminders and welcome emails. Property can also change this to suit the requirements.

 ID 3 – Request Review
ID 4 – 1st Review Reminder (48 hours)
ID 5 – 2nd  Review Reminder (120 hours)
ID 7 – Review Received Alert
ID 8 – Thank you for Review
ID 9 – Negative Feedback Alert
ID 10 – Welcome Email (48 hours)
ID 11 – Welcome Email – Repeat Guest (48 hours)
ID 12 – Welcome Email – Corporate Guest (48 hours)
ID 13 – Welcome Email – Loyalty Guest (48 hours)
Property can create email templates for other languages supported. A separate template needs to be created. Currently other languages supported are: 

Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese

To create a new template:

Edit an existing template
Select ‘Language’ required
Create a message in the selected language
Save changes

Once created, you will see the new template 

Widget Script:

Property can add the widget to the website. The script is found in the Widget Script module.

For properties subscribing to InstantSite, a Reviews page will be auto-added when RM is live.

However, the InstantSite needs to be republished.



Review minder Bulk:

In RM property can upload bulk email ids for Review request and welcome note.

Go to Email Sent Status---Upload file—Choose file and upload.

To get excel format click on “click here”


Positive review and if guest chooses not to be redirected to TripAdvisor, end of the review process and the below message is returned. 

'Review Received Alert' triggered to property

'Thank you for the Review email' triggered to the customer

Status for review updated to Received in ‘Email Sent Status’ module

For negative reviews the process remains the same. However, at the end of the review, the guest will be given an option to send a review directly to the Manager

The property can add multiple email ids under Hotel Configuration > Negative Review Alert.