STAAH MAX Airbnb Season Adjustment
Based on feedback received, we have enabled feature to include:
- Option to edit validity
- Option to edit rules/discount
- Option to apply trip length (min nights)
- Option to apply check-in and check-out days
- Tracking logs
New features are highlighted with ***NEW***
Property can now manage Airbnb promotions via STAAHMAX. The feature is called Season Adjustment in MAX extranet.
In Airbnb extranet, feature is found in Calendar module > rule-set

Some information:
- Once property is API connected (With channel manager) Airbnb Smart Pricing is not available
- Instead property has to use ‘Season Adjustment’ to set season(s) and rules via MAX extranet
- There is no option to pull in ‘Seasons and Rules’ from Airbnb (if already set)
- Needs to be treated as new setup via MAX extranet
Where is this feature ‘Season Adjustment’ found in MAX extranet?
Login to MAX extranet > Mapping > Airbnb Content > Season Adjustment Button

How to add Season(s)?
- To add > Click on ‘Season Adjustment’ button
You will be diverted to Season Adjustment module > Create Season button

If property is part of a group linked to same Airbnb credentials, you will see ‘Linked Properties’ button. Click on button to see all properties linked to the same Airbnb credential.

For MAX properties, it is possible that within the group, there may be multiple Airbnb Client ID. This means, the group has multiple Airbnb Credentials connected.
What next?
‘Create Season’ form will pop-up > Create Season and set applicable rules

There are four seasonal rules available:
- Seasonal Adjustment
- Length of Stay Discount
- Last Minute Discount
- Early Bird Discount

- Airbnb Client ID > For a group it is possible there are multiple Airbnb connections. Select the correct Airbnb Client ID for the listings that you want to add to a season
- Season Name > Enter the Season (promotion) name
- Colour > This will be the colour code in Airbnb calendar to identify season (promotion)
- Listing for Season > Select listing(s) to include in Season (promotion)
- All listings linked to the Airbnb credential(s) for group will display
- If it is an individual property, all room/rate plans mapped to Airbnb will display
- If it is part of a group, all room/ rate plans for the group mapped to Airbnb will display
- By default, all listings are auto selected

- Enter applicable date range
- Possible to add multiple date range. Click on +

- Select and apply applicable rule
- Apply rule discount/ surcharge
***NEW*** Trip Length and Check In/Out days.
If required, property can set minimum stay, CTD and/or CTA.
- Click on to ‘arrow’ expand and follow prompts.

Trip Length: Ability to set Minimum and Maximum stay by set days of the week.
- You can customise minimum stay days and maximum stay days by days of the week.
- Check box to enabled.
- Note: Maximum stays pushed to Airbnb are not displayed in Airbnb extranet.

Check In/Out days:
- Expand to see days of the week.
- Set CTA and/or CTD as required

Once all rules are applied
- Click on ‘Create’
- Success message returned and diverted back to ‘Season Adjustment’ details page
- Edit button on ‘Season adjustment’ details page
- Tracking logs via Activity logs (Reports>Activity logs>Season Adjustment)

To view summary of season, click on eye icon

Please note:
- Season Adjustment button is available in mapping module for all properties
- For properties linked to the same Airbnb credential (group), it is the same logic, however when a season is added to any of a property within the group, the season will automatically add to the ‘Season Adjustment’ list for every property in the group
- ***NEW*** You can edit a rule, add/remove listing(s), update validity, update discount type/value, add/remove conditions, add/remove trip length, add/remove CTA and CTD.
- You can setup multiple rules (promotion) for the same date range within one season
- The system will allow you to setup a new season (Promotion) and rule with dates over lapping with an existing Season with same rule. There is no validation. When Airbnb receives the new season, it will automatically override overlapping dates with the newest season rule
- Season 1 = 01-30 April
- Season 2 = 15 April – 15 May
- From 01-14 April, Season 1 rules will continue to apply
- From 15 April – 15 May, Season 2 rules will override and apply
If dates searched meets multiple rules, all discounts will apply
- Example:
- Early Bird 5%
- Min Stay 2 night 5%
- Dates qualifies for both, 5% discount will apply twice

- ***NEW*** Edit Button – access to edit season.
- Delete button, deletes the season and auto remove rule from Airbnb extranet. Deleting will apply to all listings linked to that season
- ***NEW*** Logs – Logs to track changes made to season.

In Airbnb extranet
You can view rule set via calendar module. Dates will be highlighted in the colour chosen
Rates displayed in calendar will include seasonal adjustment, early bird discount, last minute discount (if applicable)

On customer site, screen shot below. It will indicate the exact discount/ surcharge